Friday, April 9, 2010

It felt like a scene from a mafia movie when we were walking through the streets of the island city Murano. The island is internationally known for its exceptionally well crafted blown-glass and we were walking with the President of a glass-blowing factory we had just visited. He is pictured in the middle of the first three guys. The guy in the left of the photo is Francesco (a local Architect working with us) and Arthur, on the right, is our instructor from the U. The site for our studio project is near the island of Murano and so the President was very interested in hearing our ideas as well as offering his advice. After our conversation and a tour of the factory, it seemed like he was enjoying our company and spontaneously offered us a round of prosecco in their conference room. He then called a friend of his who owns a nearby restaurant and worked out an inexpensive price for a four-course meal we had for lunch! This picture was taken on our walk from the factory to the restaurant. The president had a god-father like presence.

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