Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Lost in Venice's Beauty

In Venice, it seems like there is a picturesque view around every corner. It is a pleasure just walking through the city with no particular destination in mind. Being lost in the labyrinth of constantly turning streets is never stressful and often rewards the wanderer with a peaceful view like the image above.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Our Casa

Our apartment for the next 7 weeks is located on the beautiful island of Giudecca. The red dashed line on the top photo highlights the entry from the fondamenta (canal side street).

Pre-Party in Eindhoven

This was a photo taken at Joeri's place (Eindhoven, Netherlands) the first Friday night. His apartment is right next to a cluster of clubs and pubs that stay open until 4am!

Fresh (and Slimey) Haring

Roel encouraged us to try raw haring in this little traditional Dutch village called Volendam.
Needless to say, it helped that it was smothered in raw onions because man it was fishy!